关于第25届国际磁浮系统及直线电机会议(2020国际磁浮大会)推迟举行的通知 近期来COVID-19病毒疫情在全球大多数国家和地区蔓延,情况仍然十分严峻。由于疫情造成的出行限制和健康隔离,部分第25届国际磁浮系统及直线电机会议(2020国际磁浮大会)的计划参与者被迫离开工作岗位,甚至中止了相关学术活动。 本次会议原定于2020年10月12-14日在中国长沙召开,考虑到COVID-19病毒疫情的现状,经大会组委会与国际磁浮执委会商议,决定将第25届国际磁浮系统及直线电机会议时间调整至2021年10月中旬至11月中旬内一周召开,与2021中国国际轨道交通和装备制造产业博览会衔接,一同在中国长沙举行。会议的具体日期将于2020年秋季前正式公布。 衷心感谢各位的理解和关注,祝大家和家人健康平安。 2020国际磁浮大会组委会 Announcement of Postponing the 25th International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Linear Drives (Maglev 2020) The recent outbreak of COVID-19 is raging in most countries and regions around the world. Due to travel restrictions and quarantine measures caused by the pandemic, some participants of the 25th International Maglev System and Linear Motor Conference (Maglev 2020) had to stay at home and even suspend related academic activities. Maglev 2020 Conference was originally scheduled to be held in Changsha, China, from October 12 to 14, 2020. Given the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, after the conference organizing committee discussed with the Steering Committee, it was decided that Maglev 2020 was re-scheduled to be held in a week from mid-October to mid-November 2021, in Changsha, in succession to 2021 China International Rail Transit & Equipment Manufacturing Industry Expo (CIRTE). The exact date will be officially announced before September 2020. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and interest, and wish you and your family stay strong and stay well. Organizing Committee of the MAGLEV 2020 Conference |
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