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磁悬浮轴承-MECOS AG

2021-8-2 18:07| 发布者: 狮子| 查看: 4794| 评论: 0

摘要: In high speed machinery such as turbines, spindles, flywheels or centrifuges, the bearings are crucial for cost of operation, performance and machine life. Among the established bearing technologies A ...

In high speed machinery such as turbines, spindles, flywheels or centrifuges, the bearings are crucial for cost of operation, performance and machine life. Among the established bearing technologies Active Magnetic Bearings(AMB) stand out by offering the following benefits:

  • oil- and therefore contamination-free operation
  • higher speed allowing higher power density
  • clean operation and increased reliability through contact-free levitation of the shaft
  • very low vibration levels on the housing and active control of unbalance
  • operation under stringent environmental conditions

MECOS has the know-how, the components and the customer focus to provide a state-of-the-art solution for high speed rotating equipment of all kinds. Our component portfolio is designed to meet a wide range of specifications and can easily be adapted to your requirements. Get more functionalites and benefits with our intelligent control units and easily accomplish tasks such as transfer function measurement, force monitoring, vibration monitoring and the like.

Basic Components of AMB

Radial Bearing

Each radial bearing stator consists of several pairs of electro-magnets, arranged radially around the rotor. The stator’s counterpart, the rotor elements, are steel laminations fitted to the rotor. The radial bearings are designed to position the rotor radially.

Thrust Bearing

The thrust bearing uses two ring-shaped magnets positioned on both sides of the socalled “thrust disc”. The thrust disc is a flat, solid, ferromagnetic disc attached to the rotor. The axial bearing positions the rotor in the axial direction.

Position Sensor

The position sensors detect the axial and radial position, as well as the movement of the rotor during stand-by and operation. Alternative, established technologies can be applied, such as inductive, eddy current and magnetic, depending on the application and system performance requirements.

Touch-down Bearing

The touch-down bearings support the rotor during stand-still or in the very unlikely event of a power electronics’ failure. They also prevent damage to the Active Magnetic Bearings(AMB) during overload or in the event of system fault.

Control System Cabinet

The control system uses the inputs from the position sensors (input signals) to determine the actual rotor position. It then adjusts the power (output signal) to the individual magnets thus ensuring that the rotor stays in the desired position. The main components of the control system are the processor, the amplifiers for the individual Active Magnetic Bearings(AMB) the UPS and interfaces to connect with other systems. The control system ensures safe operation of the magnetic bearing system under all conditions, such as start-up, normal operation and shut-down.






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